Feel the

F . E . A . R 

︎ Fearlessness ︎

Fearlessness is not the absence of fear, but rather the courage to confront it head-on. It's about embracing uncertainty with unwavering determination and daring to try despite whispers of self-doubt. I am committed to stepping outside my comfort zone in the pursuit of growth; whether that is boldly interviewing consumers in the street, flinging myself from a plane or standing up for what I believe in, I think it is important to embrace fear. Particularly today, where global uncertainty and the omnipresence of social media has made a generation of anxious consumers. I look forward to meaningful collaborations in the pursuit of helping consumers face their fears!

︎ Empathy ︎

Empathy is the cornerstone of my creative process, infusing depth and authenticity throughout my work. I owe my success to the genuine connections and keen observations I make as I delve into the hearts and minds of consumers. Deciphering their needs and desires fosters loyalty and drives genuine connection in our media-saturated world.

︎ Adventure ︎

An adventurous spirit can be seen across my personal and professional endeavors. Whether embarking on a new creative project or exploring uncharted territories in my personal life, I approach each endeavor by playfully pushing boundaries and enthusiastically enjoying the discovery. This mindset allows me to live a life enriched with experiences and growth and I aspire to collaborate with those who share my passion for encouraging others to embrace life’s unconventional opportunities.

︎ Resilience ︎

Consumer behavior after covid is being driven by the desire to live longer, people no longer want to scroll their lives away and pursue resilience through extreme fitness pursuits and adventure. The growing resilience culture is something I hope to continually support, as we collectively navigate the unpredictable world we live in.