Photography Archive

︎ Personal Passion ︎

In my spare moments, I immerse myself in self-devised portrait-based photography projects and dynamic collaborations. These projects serve as a more personal outlet for my creativity. I take on various roles - from creative director and photographer to editor and stylist — to craft compelling narratives that mirror my imaginative vision.

- Launch for Abigail Holgate Milinery - 

Trusted to direct, style and photograph a brand-specific shoot for a local miliner launching her business.

Used this shoot to highlight the beauty and elegance of the hats and headwear.

- Home Sweet Home - 
I enjoy telling innovative stories. “Home Sweet Home” ironically explores the collective identity of the 1950s housewife, illustrating how they were allowed to stray from singular picture-perfect images. It nods to the idea that even in the modern day, as women we can feel as though identity is forced upon us by societal expectations.

- Ms Spring - 
Introducing, Ms Spring!

If spring was a woman, this is what she would look like to me. A very hard-working woman spreading flowers, colour and creativity. She enjoys admiring the world she has created and all of the creatures or plants of the world.