Be Fearless with Collina Strada

- Collina Strada Fragrance Campaign - 

My final report and fragrance campaign challenges the arguably repetitive fragrance sector by the creation of a fragance that serves to uplift the user rather than please or attract others. Through the creation of a distinct scent, the at-home wax melt design serves as an extension of the consumer’s self-expression. When ignited, it provides a gentle reminder of the user's essence—a celebration of their fearless and playful individuality.

Final Visual Report

- Who are ‘Collina Strada’? -

The refreshing world of Collina Strada illustrates a hopeful change. Their vision encourages consumers to discover, explore and reflect on who they are without the usual social constructs or expectations that have plagued our minds as we’ve grown up.

Custom Illustrations for Project 

Final Concept Board

- The Concept -
The story this campaign told was derivitive of my final concept. This concept aims to use the ironic juxtaposition of cliched feminine symbols, such as flowers and jewels, combined with images of common fears; spiders, snakes, insects, in order to use a playful attitude towards frightful emotions in order to provide the consumer with an uplifting motivation to begin their journey to being fearless.