A Part of the Foundation

- Marketing Strategy to support the BFA “Change Makers” Campaign, 2021 -  

Targeting Gen Z consumers, we wanted to lead the way for online engagement, provoking action within the consumers and raising awareness of the Blueprint for All charity and change maker’s Initiative 

- Strategy - 
The Blueprint for All CEO want’s the chairty to “set the foundations for a more inclusive society to grow”. With this in mind, our strategy to achieve this was creating the “Be a Part of the Foundation” podcast where each week a nominated “change-maker” will share their unqiue stories, inspiring their own generation through illustrating what you can achieve, even at a young age. 

- My Role - 

My role in particular focused on the graphic design and illustration of our outcomes. 

The interesting combinations of colour, within our visual concept, give a child-like non-judgmental tone, allowing for  nostalgic, uplifting feel to welcomingly draw in consumers. A rounded font was incorporated inspired similar communications directed towards the consumer and in support of the the iniative’s friendly nature.
The hand-drawn aspect also supported the youthful feel while still remaining polished and professional. 

︎ Ultimately chosen to present to a BFA pannel and Urban Group creatives. ︎